There is a first for everything. Well this time it was my first safari on foot, in the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park. Ok, there are no big cats, but we did get so close to so many animals. An experience to repeat!

The giraffes could see us from far, whereas the rhinos did smell us. So impressive to be less than 20 meters away from this huge animal. I have to admit that our guide and our armed escort were not too worried at us coming close to this particular white rhino, but that is a story I will tell only if asked.

Another must-do is a cruise on the Zambezi. From our boat, we could see elephants grazing on one of the island. I even saw two elephants crossing the river. These animals are indeed strong.

And then we also came accross a group of hippos. So funny to see their ears emerging out of the water.