After being a rookie at last year's competition (see entrance from March 2009), this time it was more serious. Firstly, because the maths competition took place at the "Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale (EPFL)" in Lausanne. It is one of the best technical universities in the world - they basically made the Alinghi boat (of the America's Cup) and are involved in a lot of applied research. Secondly, because this time there were around 700 people writing the exam at the same time, from primary school children to high competition contestants. Quite a lot of brains in action on a sunny Saturday afternoon with a beautiful view over the Lake and the Alps.

The EPFL hosts now the new Rolex learning center, a top modern library and study area for students. Great design with its gentel curves and its light wells. A total contrast to Cambridge... I wished I would go back to being a student just to spend all my time in there.

These days students have definitely no excuse for failing...

At 2pm sharp the semi-final of the maths competition started. I was going from one question to the next, leaving for later the ones that I thought were a bit tricky. All in all, I felt better than last year and after 158 minutes handed in my copy. You also want to try your luck. Well here a question for you:
"We add 1/10 + 2/100 + 3/1000 + 4/10 000 + ...., that is 0,1 + 0,02 + 0,003 + 0,0004 + ... and so on until the infinity. We write this sum using the decimal system. In this sum, what is the 2010th number after the point?" 
I guess you can see my brain in action there...
Then started the long wait, first to know the right answers and then to know the name of the qualified people for the final. So let me say it quite loud: I was ranked FOURTH best of 50 participants in the category "general public". On one side, I was very proud to have managed so well and to get some presents (including a great pizza from my friend who was as impressed as me from my performance - thanks !). On the other side, when I saw the mistakes I made (including not copying the correct answer on my answer sheet when I had it on my paper!), I could even have done better.
Our podium is a bit cliche with only men making it into the top spots (the woman is the organiser). But in the other categories, including primary school and secondary school children, it was good to see girls and boys as well as swiss and foreign-originating kids getting to the top of their categories. A good sign for the opportunities given by our school system.

So now, I am qualified for the SWISS FINAL taking place in May. Do not hesitate to wish me luck!