samedi 24 novembre 2007

world capital

Of course, I am talking about Geneva! The worldwide seat of 25 international organisations such as the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the World Health Organisation (WHO). It is also the European center of the United Nations. There are 157 states represented here and around 35'000 diplomats and international civil servants.

This week there was an international conference on debt management at the United Nations building. Many interesting topics on this issue were discussed by delegates from all over the world. For me, it was special occasion on two accounts. First, it was the first time in my life that I went to work in Geneva. Funny feeling. And second, it is always a priviledge to sit behind the board reading "Switzerland". Do we not have the best point of view?

Then there were also side-events such as the bazaar. Many countries had food stands and I tasted products from exotic countries.

Of course, every place has its symbol. At the UN headquarters in Geneva, it is the peacock.

dimanche 18 novembre 2007


Some say "at last", I said "so soon". Indeed, snow has arrived this week, much earlier than the previous years. In the end, it does not matter so much: the temperature is cold, the sun is barely shining, the days are short. Winter has arrived.Of course, most of you would have noticed that these pictures were all taken in Berne. Well, these is a very good reason for that: Snow has not fallen in Geneva! I always tease my work colleagues about the crappy weather in Berne and how much better it is in Geneva. They thought I was boasting or even suspected that I was paid by the Geneva tourism office. However I shortly found the hard data provided by "meteo suisse". And the data tell a very clear story. For the first 10 months of 2007, the average temperature was 15% higher in Geneva, whereas rainfall were 21% lower in Geneva. These patterns are similar when it comes to hours of sunshine (4% more in Geneva) and to rainy days (11% less in Geneva). Of course, some colleagues came up with all sorts of spacious arguments, such as having to measure temperatures on the Kelvin and not the Celcius scale.

dimanche 11 novembre 2007

Cheese fondue

One thing that is nice about winter (actually are there any others...) is the cheese fondue. The first one for the season is the best one ... so the theory of marginal utility applies indeed!
It is not the fondue itslef that is so special, it is the whole experience. There is the place called "Bains des Paquis", a wooden restaurant right by the sea. The atmosphere there is simple, cosy and joyfull. There are also all what goes with the fondue: the white wine, the smoked beef, the pepper and the desserts. And there is also the company of good friends and the interesting conversation one has.

It should be said that after this very traditionnal supper, we ended in a Indian bar, where they played Bollywood movies on a big screen. It seems it is very difficult to spend an entire "100% swiss" evening.

dimanche 4 novembre 2007


Yes, I know Halloween is such an un-European event. Actually a few years ago, the retailers tried to impose that on European consumers because they thought they could make a lot of money out of it... Shops were full of scary, orange (i have nothing against that...) and funny stuffs. Even the little retailers had Halloween things all over their shops. But after 2-3 years, they realised that the consumers were not so keen anymore. Halloween has no historical roots, no tradition here. So, now it is much more discreet. But still, there is a Halloween-fan group in the region. The hosts know how to make us feel welcome!
And once inside, it is nice and warm with lots of typical Halloween products, including marshmallows, pumpkin soup and jelly. If you think you could come out of this supper without having gained 3-4 kilos, you would be so absolutely wrong!
Last but not least, some people still do not know that Halloween has nothing to do with happy feet. Actually I should not be too harsh on them since I was not disguised as well. But just have a look at them... can I hear you laugh?