lundi 26 août 2013

Indianapolis - Cincinnati

Indianapolis - nice name but not much to see. Still, an overall good feeling about the town, with its rejuvenated downtown area. It is organised around Monument Circle, dedicated to the glory of Indiana soldiers who fought in many wars - obviously - and the State House.
Corn fields after corn fields, we drove on to Cincinnati. It gives a sense of being in "the middle" of the USA ("the middle" also in reference to the funny TV show fictionnally set in Indiana). It is so flat here! About Cincinnati itself, no picture as there was no time to visit. It was straight to the Master tennis tournament.
The tournament is well organised with friendly staff and uncharacteristically decent food, glorious weather, and unremarkable shopping.
Whatever, what counts is the tennis! The matches were great with lots of tie-brakes. The American crowd was happy with the strong performance of Isner and Serena.
Yet, both of them would go on to loose their respective final.
The winner was Nadal, who is getting better and better at playing on hard courts.

It is strange to write it, but the best moment was after the matches, at Cincinnati airport. We had to leave before the end of the women's final and were standing in the queue at the security check. We spotted Granollers and Lopez, the two players who lost the men's doubles final. And then, looking back, Nadal was also in the line! I quickly put my Swiss-Spanish T-shirt back on. Thanks to the snake-like queue, I got to come across from Nadal, who autographed my T-shirt! Awesome.

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