dimanche 2 mars 2008

Berne is getting ready

It happened that I had to stay longer than usual in Berne, the other week-end. An immediate question was: what could I do there on a Saturday morning, while waiting to get to my next appointement? Allow me to leave this question unanswered...
In the meantime, though, I thought about taking a few pictures of all the road/building works in town. Berne is getting ready to host the European Nation's Football Cup 2008. Most certainly one of the biggest event this town has ever hosted.
The stadium is ready, but the town, in particular the station's square needs a lot of upgrading.
As is the case in Switzerland, Bernese citizens had to vote on most construction credits. Fortunately, the builders are doing a good job and it is very likely that everything will be completed on time. Another monument being renovated is the federal Parliament. In a few weeks time, I will show you how it all looks like.

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