Time to talk about the reason why I am in Washington: work! Indeed this time of the year is quite special for the big multilateral financial institutions: it's the Annual Meetings. 187 countries' governors (in most cases, central bank governor or minister of finance) convene here. A good test is to recognize all the flags. My knowledge rate is around 95%, still having trouble with a few Pacific and Caribbean islands.

In between the restricted breakfast, the bilateral meetings, the regular summit, the press conferences and informal exchanges, the ministers and governors quickly posed for a family picture. An even better test is to recognize them. At least, the first two rows should not be too problematic... I must admit it gets more and more difficult the further up one goes.

Behind the smooth and efficient Annual Meetings, there are many dedicated people, including me! Here my office where inputs, speeches, statements are initiated. Nice office, good colleagues and interesting work. Maybe I should not mention the pay...
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