lundi 31 décembre 2007


Having been to a few beaches already (there will be a "best of" later on the blog), I was wondering where the whites were going, as the beaches were mostly filled with coloureds and tourists. The reply is: at the Kirstenbosch botanical gardens. Having been invited for a brunch, I found that most lawn areas were occupied (dare I still use this word in this country...) by whites. It is a very relaxed atmosphere. On each Sunday afternoon, there is an open air concert. Always a very enjoyable experience.
On the slopes of Table Mountain, Kirstenbosch hosts an immense variety of local plants. It has to be said that South Africa has a higher number of plant species than the whole of Europe.

Kirstenbosch is also the start of one route up Table Mountain. Hope to write an entry on that pretty soon. Will that be my first major sporting performance of the new year?

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