lundi 31 décembre 2007


Still in the region north of Cape Town lies the Cederberg mountain range. In this area, and only in this area, grows a very special plant, called the Rooibos, used to make one of the best teas, free from caffeine. Master copiers, such as the Americans and the Australians, tried to make it grow in their country, unsuccessfully. Would you blame a plant accustomed to South African conditions not to want to grow on these alien soils?

What the Rooibos plant needs is dry summers, wet winters and well-drained non-acidic soils. There is only one sort of plant grown. It was used by the indigenous people for its medicinal properties and the whites started growing it and trading it in the early 1900s. The plant grows for 6 years, is harvested every year once its red branches turn green and then has to be replaced by new ones. In between two rows, oats need to be planted so as to combat deadly mushrooms.
The visit of this organic farm was very interesting, especially since it is now a globalised business. More than 90% of their production is exported, mostly to Europe. I was surprised to learn that more than 2/3 of their organic production is actually sold as "normal" tea. As it is an organic farm, it is regularly inspected by EU experts. They even inspect the houses of the employees. The guide was complaining that most seasonal workers (who are blacks) tend not to show up after having worked - and been paid - for a week. They would return only when their money would run out. He complained as well that his business did not receive any support from the government, because it is a "white" business. I should have pointed out that it is thanks to this new governement that export markets were opened and that international trade allows him to make such a profitable business.

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